Effective communication matters for government, non-profits, and their employees – and IQc delivers it.

On the international, national, state, and local levels, the work of government and not-for-profit organizations is critically important in today’s world. Tasked to serve the public good while meeting stringent performance and accountability standards, public sector professionals must use every tool at their disposal to accomplish their missions.

Effective communication is one of the most important of those tools. Whether the goal is educating the public, informing stakeholders, motivating constituencies, or preparing a strategic plan, both content and presentation matter. The platforms may vary – from websites, to reports, to brochures, to manuals – as may the target audiences – from Congressional committees, to procurement officers, to citizens, to financial supporters – but across the board, professionally prepared materials, properly targeted, can make the difference between success and failure.

IQc understands the diverse and unique communications challenges faced by government agencies and non-profits. With experience in law, public policy, and project management, owner Eliza Dolin has the background and skills to help move missions forward when every word matters. IQc also specializes in assisting senior government employees who are making the transition to organizations that support and complement government’s work.

Click here for examples of IQc government/non-profit clients and projects.

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